Monday, March 18, 2013


i always wanted to update my blog but never take actions, since i m free in the office now, decided to update some small little tiny things that happened in my life. share and record it so next time i can review what i have done in few years back.

2013, is a year of snake, which is my year, that is mean this year i m already stepped into 24 years old. how scary when i see the figure, 24 is not a big issue, the issue is what i achieved after 24 years? the answer is NOTHING, this is what i always worried, graduated since 2011 which is 2 years ago, and now i m still wondering whether i m in the correct field, does this current working field suits me? hmm.. i dont think so! my career and financial is still unstable for now.and of course i know that 'Things only can be changed when action taken', So i decided to shoot out my CV and continue to look for my interest. hope i will get one by this year. WIsh me Luck YA!