Friday, August 13, 2010

SummeR BreaK

all of you must be wondering why i could have such a long semester break, its last for 4 months time, oh my gosh, most of my friends are seriously envy me, but if you were me, you would know that 4 months time is not easy to pass and not really enjoyable! its terribly boring and meaningless, everyday stay at home and do nothing besides eating and sleeping. body size getting larger and larger, face become rounded and rounded..just because of this summer break.. dont really know what is this break for...

well, i've tried to seek for some office work, and i got a lot of offer too, but i rejected all of those, due to salary too low, long hours, location is not covienent enough and etc, but i think the main reason is because i'm averse to work! lazy piglet i m! broke broke broke, because of didnt work, no income but still keep on spending, now left one month more..i gained nothing during this holidays except tons of fat..argh! ** i'm still enjoying eating chocolates at this very moment**

one month more, guys, help me to think how to spend this one month time..maybe i should go for some coursE? like dancing? baking? or sleeping?? wakakka~